Camu camu powder

Camu camu powder
LaTierra shop Brand: LaTierra shop
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Camu camu powder Description

 It is rich in sources of vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2, B3, zinc, iron and potassium.  The content of vitamin C is 10 times more than in wild rose and 100 times more than in orange.
 This berry contains the highest amounts of vitamin C compared to any other fruit in the world.  Because of this, it has antioxidant and immunostimulating effects.  If the body lacks antioxidants, the mood worsens.
 • Improves immunity against colds and flu.
 • Improves mood, helps maintain muscle tone, increases brain activity and protects the nervous system, preventing the development of depression.
 • Useful for diabetes.
 • Helps relieve swelling.
 • Helps fight inflammation and stress.
 • Improves eyesight and helps fight glaucoma.
 • Useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (arthritis, atherosclerosis).
 • Fights cancer cells, prevents the destruction of DNA cells.
 • Helps in the fight against infertility.

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