Grape Seed Oil 250 ml
Grape Seed Oil 250 ml Description
Unrefined, 100% not blended, cold pressed
It is obtained from grape seed, has a light yellow color with a slight greenish tint, a delicate, spicy taste and a barely perceptible aroma of grapes.
Contains linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, palmitoleic acid, procyanide. B (the strongest natural antioxidant), natural chlorophyll, protein, vitamins A, B, C, E, F and PP, macro and trace elements.
Beneficial features:
has a unique composition of fatty acids;
naturally cholesterol free;
helping to lower blood cholesterol, preventing hypertension and heart attacks;
contains plant pigment chlorophyll, stimulates granulation and epithelization of affected tissues;
has a hepatoprotective effect;
positive effect on the kidneys;
contains vitamin E and procyanidin, these compounds are 20 times more effective in fighting free radicals dangerous to the body compared to vitamin C;
contains a large number of bioflavonoids, which, in turn, fight free radicals even more actively than vitamin E;
prevents the occurrence of cancer;
recommended for cores, diabetics, obese people and with high blood pressure.
Mode of application:
1 tablespoon on an empty stomach for therapeutic purposes
1-2 tablespoons per day as an additive to ready-made meals.
It is used in cosmetology.
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