Built-in amplifiers

Ultrices ut libero in convallis. Praesent pharetra ante sapien, sit amet efficitur ante maximus et. Ut non tellus eros. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam dolor mi, laoreet sed dolor fermentum, ultrices aliquam orci. Curabitur ipsum posuere.
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Unrefined, 100% not blended, cold pressed
Obtained from the seeds of milk thistle, has a pleasant specific smell and taste, yellowish-green color.
Contains polyunsaturated linoleic acid (omega-6), monounsaturated oleic fatty acid (omega-9), s..
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unrefined • first cold pressed
Apricot kernel oil contains phytosterols, vitamin E, laetrile (amygdalin) and has a balanced content of mono- (60%) and polyunsaturated (29%) fatty acids. Promotes the rejuvenation of the whole body.
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Ghee - GHI
"Liquid Gold"
Manufactured and packaged by space technology in a high vacuum, from homemade butter. Rich in vitamins A, E, D, PP; minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iron and linoleic acid. Free of carcinog..
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Organic coconut oil, first cold pressed, from fresh pulp of selected coconuts, food, 100% natural product, Sri Lanka.
The best, fresh coconuts are used, the oil is obtained by cold pressing of fresh pulp observing high sanitary standards at all ..
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It is obtained from peanut fruits, has a straw-yellow color and a pronounced peanut flavor and aroma.
It contains from 50 to 60% of omega-9 monounsaturated oleic acid, from 15 to 30% of omega-6 polyunsaturated linoleic acid, a small amount of om..
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Pear pastille. As part of only pears, I am apples.
Pear fruits contain sugar (glucose, fructose, sucrose), vitamins A, B1, B2, E, P, PP, C, carotene, folic acid, catechins, nitrogenous substances. Since pear contains more fructose than glucose (..
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Protein bar "Energy" with pineapple flavor.
Without sugar, gluten, preservatives, dyes.
Ingredients: whey proteins (whey protein concentrate), roots of wheat and barley sprouts, honey, pineapple.
Caloric content, 100 g: 420 kcal / 1757 kJ...
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Our ancestors called this oil "black gold." This is due to two reasons: a very dark color and high cost, because a small bottle cost as much as a gold ring. To make a liter of oil, you need to use about 2 kg of seeds, and for this you need about 30..
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The word "hematogen" means a prophylactic agent that stimulates hematopoiesis. The hematogen contains a large amount of iron, due to which hemoglobin is increased. Vegetarian hematogen has nothing to do with the classic, except for its direct purpo..
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Unrefined • Cold pressed
White (or golden) flax has a higher biological value and tastes better than ordinary brown flax. In terms of the qualitative composition and content of unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6), white flax oil is muc..
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Coconut cream belongs to the category of natural products. They also lack lactose, casein, cholesterol and gluten. By their consistency, they are a little thicker than coconut milk, but very reminiscent of its exotic taste.
Cream can safely incl..
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