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Ut vitae ligula eget dui laoreet tempor. Nunc finibus ligula nulla, a malesuada turpis suscipit sit amet. Nullam at mauris semper eros cursus tincidunt eget ut lacus. Suspendisse potenti. Integer ac turpis hendrerit, tempor mi non volutpat.
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Unrefined, 100% not blended, cold pressed
Obtained from the seeds of milk thistle, has a pleasant specific smell and taste, yellowish-green color.
Contains polyunsaturated linoleic acid (omega-6), monounsaturated oleic fatty acid (omega-9), s..
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unrefined • first cold pressed
Apricot kernel oil contains phytosterols, vitamin E, laetrile (amygdalin) and has a balanced content of mono- (60%) and polyunsaturated (29%) fatty acids. Promotes the rejuvenation of the whole body.
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Unrefined 100% without blend Cold spin
The chemical composition of burdock oil contains natural compounds, without which the human body can not do without. Even a brief glance at the chemical composition of burdock oil is enough to understand it..
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The first cold spin provides the most intense, pleasant and sweet taste.
In cooking, use cherry oil to complete amazing desserts, in salad dressings, or lightly sprinkle cheese, bread, or chocolate with butter.
In cosmeto..
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Unrefined, 100% not blended, cold pressed
It is obtained from grape seed, has a light yellow color with a slight greenish tint, a delicate, spicy taste and a barely perceptible aroma of grapes.
Contains linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, palmi..
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Ghee - GHI
"Liquid Gold"
Manufactured and packaged by space technology in a high vacuum, from homemade butter. Rich in vitamins A, E, D, PP; minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iron and linoleic acid. Free of carcinog..
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Coconut sugar is the dried nectar of a coconut palm flower, from which water is boiled for a long time. Coconut sugar does not undergo any processing, therefore, nutrients and vitamins are stored in it.
The benefits of coconut sugar are:
· Th..
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Coconut sugar is the dried nectar of a coconut palm flower, from which water is boiled for a long time. Coconut sugar does not undergo any processing, therefore, nutrients and vitamins are stored in it.
The benefits of coconut sugar are:
· Th..
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Organic coconut oil, first cold pressed, from fresh pulp of selected coconuts, food, 100% natural product, Sri Lanka.
The best, fresh coconuts are used, the oil is obtained by cold pressing of fresh pulp observing high sanitary standards at all ..
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It is obtained from peanut fruits, has a straw-yellow color and a pronounced peanut flavor and aroma.
It contains from 50 to 60% of omega-9 monounsaturated oleic acid, from 15 to 30% of omega-6 polyunsaturated linoleic acid, a small amount of om..
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Pear pastille. As part of only pears, I am apples.
Pear fruits contain sugar (glucose, fructose, sucrose), vitamins A, B1, B2, E, P, PP, C, carotene, folic acid, catechins, nitrogenous substances. Since pear contains more fructose than glucose (..
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Our ancestors called this oil "black gold." This is due to two reasons: a very dark color and high cost, because a small bottle cost as much as a gold ring. To make a liter of oil, you need to use about 2 kg of seeds, and for this you need about 30..
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